Section 1: Title, objective, responsibilities

Title or working title of research project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis)

Why does globalisation cause business uncertainty?

Research project objectives (e.g. what is the question you want to answer? 

  1 To find out inssue in management internal and external environment of organisation influencing development and management of global reatiling strategies.

 2  To analyse impacts of the indentified issues on business.

3 To find out whether it is possible to gain maximum return on minimum capital investment is possible or not .

4 To develop global retailing strategies so that existing issue can be mitigated and globalisation can ensure profitabylity .

   Research Questions: 

1 What are the issue in management of internal and external environment of  organisation having significant impact on retail globalisation strategy?

2 How these issues are affecting business of globalisation ?

3 Is it possible to manage capital discipline and growth of organisation globally?

4 How global retailing strategies of Global business can be designed so that current challenges can be mitigated?


What do you want to learn how to do ?

The research will help in indentifying the current challenges and barriers for businesses in a globalized  environment .There are cross-cultural issues along 
with ineffective HR to control a virtual workforce. I would like to learn how the companies are mitigating these challenges and how these challenges impact on the business performance.  

What do you want to find out?):

 To find out inssue in management internal and external environment of organisation influencing development and management of global reatiling strategies.