Section 6: Research Ethics Approval Form

Project title: Why does globalisation cause business uncertainty?

Student name: Dana Elena Spiridon

Student ID number: HE06240

Programme: Unit 11: Research Proposal

College: Wembley Central

Intended research start date:  10th June 2019

Intended research end date: 7th October 2019


Section 6.2: Project Summary

Please select all research methods that you plan to use as part of your project:

·         Interviews:                                             No         
·         Questionnaires:                                      No           
·         Observations:                                         No          
·         Use of Personal records:                          Yes                 
·         Data Analysis:                                        Yes
·         Action Research:                                     No
·         Focus Groups:                                         No
·         Other (please specify):                                              

Section 6.3: Participants

Please answer the following questions, giving full details where necessary.

Will your research involve human participants?  no

Describe the processes you will use to inform participants about what you are doing:

How will you obtain consent from participants? Will this be written? How will it be made clear to participants that they may withdraw consent to participate at any time?

Studies involving questionnaires: will participants be given the option of omitting questions that do not wish to answer?


If no please explain why below and ensure that you cover any ethical issues arising from this 

Studies involving observation: Confirm whether participants will be asked for their informed consent to be observed. 


Will you debrief participants at the end of their participation (i.e give them a brief explanation of the study)?


Will participants be given information about the findings of your study? (This could be a brief summary of your findings in general)



Section 6.4: Data Storage and Security

Confirm that all personal data will bestored and processed in compliance withthe Data Protection Act (1998)                            Yes:            

Who will have access to the data and personal information?

Only Me and my supervisor

During the research:
Where will the data be stored? It will be stored in the virtual world

Will mobile devices such as USB storage and laptops be used?    Yes:    No:

If yes, please provide further details: 

After the research:
Where will the data be stored?

It will be stored virtually on cloud

How long will the data and records be kept for and in what format? 

Will data be kept for use by other researchers?                         Yes:   No:

Section 6.5: Ethical Issues

Are there any particular features of your proposed work which may raise ethical concerns? If so, please outline how you will deal with these:

It is important that you demonstrate your awareness of potential risks that may arise as a result of your research. Please consider/address all issues that may apply. Ethical concerns may include, but are not limited  to the following:

  • Informed consent.
  • Potentially vulnerable participants.
  • Sensitive topics.
  • Risks to participants and/or researchers. 
  • Confidentiality/anonymity.
  • Disclosures/limits to confidentiality.
  • Data storage and security, both during and after the research (including transfer, sharing, encryption, protection). 
  • Reporting.
  • Dissemination and use of your findings.

Section 6.6:  Declaration

I have read, understood and will abide by the institution’s Research and Ethics Policy: 

Yes  / 

I have discussed the ethical issues relating to my research with my Unit Tutor:

I confirm that to the best of my knowledge:

The above information is correct, and this is a full description of the ethical issues that may arise in the course of my research

Dana Elena Spiridon                              Date: 29th May 2019